Rick Perez

Lovely Interlude

Rick Perez
Lovely Interlude

Patience and Growth

Photographs by Tolu

Tolu is a portrait photographer based in Belfast, Ireland. Tolu talks about being an artist in Belfast, conveying emotions in his images, and how the limitations of film photography can create growth.

Belfast, Ireland

What is your history as a photographer? When did you get started, when did you start calling yourself a photographer, etc

Prior to photography, I did a lot of video work, around march 2020 a friend and I got a photography studio and soon after I took the craft more seriously. I would say I started calling myself photographer towards the end of last year. 

How do you think you have grown and changed as a photographer since you first started?

I’ve become more patient and selective with my shots as I started shooting analogue. The limitations of film has allowed me to grow exponentially being more meticulously with my craft.  

You are mostly known for your portrait photography. How do you think your style of stands out from other portrait photographers? What kind of story are you trying to tell?

I’d say very few of my current post are narrative driven, however I do attempt to convey emotions across. With plans to implement story and narrative into my photography 

Tell the story behind one of your images

‘Cherry Hues”

“The shoot has no real meaning; I wanted to play around and create something of interest that bears no similarity to my previous works. I told Sophie the make up artist to create a look that in no way could be described as conventional and I asked Jools the model to come dress in something edgy or punkish. I wanted my set up to show the whole space almost like a bts perspective taking away from my usual typical studio structure and showing something seemingly less organised and more rough around the edges in a way, leave the backdrop rolled halfway and show the c-stand and sandbags allowed me to achieve that look I believe”

What’s it like being a photographer in Belfast, United Kingdom?

Belfast isn’t the most diverse city, however it still has its characters. The city is quite fun and living however not as noisy and hectic as London. The art scene is quite small and everyone knows each other (in my age group anyway). However, I look elsewhere for motivation and inspiration as a lot of the work here is although good the majority can be considered conventional/safe.

Is there another city or country where you want to photograph? Why ?

I'm someone that’s open to photographing anywhere as new places always provide a new outlook and challenges. It will bring a freshness to my workflow. Main locations would be Rhodes, Greece for the heritage.

Pigalle basketball court in France is a nice contrast from an urban setting and a colourful location.

What are your ultimate goals as a photographer? What’s next for you ?

Focus more on conceptual shoots for magazines or pitch the shots to magazines, other than that focus on making books/zines and selling prints. I want to get to a place where I don’t have to rely on client work to sustain myself.

To See More Of Tolu’s Work, Follow @framed.by.tolu